Everyone’s a Critic. (Just ask them!)
June 11, 2013
“Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it’s done, they’ve seen it done every day, but they’re unable to do it themselves.”- Brendan Behan
So, why do I feel this hostile about Critics and less so when it comes to the act of Criticism?
[*I’m not kidding. I, in fact, did attend a High School named after a parched succulent, Our mascot was, I kid you not, a Cobra. Because when you think of a Cactus, the first thing that comes naturally to mind is a Viper from India, right?]
Originally, I wanted to be a cartoonist, not a fine artist or a photographer- so it’s a safe bet to say that I was in flux, but I did know that I wanted a career revolving around Art, and nothing else.
The Swami who was to offer me his indispensable insight was a guy named Ron Horn, whom I had avoided like the plague for pretty much all 3 ¾ years previous. As you might imagine, I saw no real benefit to taking advice from a middle aged guy whose life consisted of sitting in a depressing box talking down to uninterested teenagers, but unfortunately I had no choice, so I went- parting with an epiphany that has shaped my career ever since.
Naturally, I tell him. Heck- that is what you were supposed to do, right? And that’s when I first noticed the faint line of what appears to be a row of small stitches across his face, starting at the bridge of his nose all the way up to just above his eyebrow. Not deep and ugly, mind you, more like if you had just given yourself the mother of all paper cuts.
Of course, I naturally had to ask what happened, and he informs me that the previous weekend he had been up North, clearing some brush from his property, and the chain saw had kicked back and then proceeded to hit him… in the face. Yeeouch, to say the very least.
Not too surprisingly, I didn’t- but ol’ Ron was not to be denied. Rambling on, he’s blissfully ignorant of my flat stare and lack of obvious interest, all the while deriding (churlishly) what I wanted to hopefully do with my life. As I sit there listening to his inane spiel of how the Army will “give me direction” and “mold me”, two things hit me like a crystal-clear thunderbolt from above:
[The bad haircut I think was just a poor personal choice, so I’ll overlook it out of sympathy.]
And while I know 80’s Fashion lacked many things in the way of good taste- after all, I did dress like the lead singer of Def Leppard- that still doesn’t explain why his clothes consistently looked like they were picked out by a color-blind seeing-eye dog.
Two: With all due respect, if I was going to consider taking such life-altering advice from a complete and total stranger, why, in the name of all that’s holy and pure, would I take it from someone who was too dim-witted… TO GET OUT OF THE WAY OF A F**KING CHAIN SAW?!?!?!?
Therein, my decision was made. Permanently. And I’ve never looked back.
For the record, I would never think of covering Robrt in honey, but Michelle on the other hand…
Your typical Critic thinks that a rude and dismissive approach is what marks an effective critique. It doesn’t, by the way. To be effectual, a true assessment must first accurately note the bad of a thing, then the good. In other words; first comes the big stick, then the sugar. Sort of what I attempt to do with these humble little screeds of mine… minus that whole sugar thing, of course.
So, in order to help balance the scales for those less equipped, I will provide my fellow Artists with a spotting guide of sorts, so that they may be better prepared to deal with the varying assortment of Critiposeur they may encounter along their chosen career path. And to lead off, I think we should start with my personal favorite- a Critic who strikes from a dark and mysterious land, armed with limitless bravery, if not an endless void of wit.
[An aside: one day soon , I will launch a Kings of Leon Tribute Band, and call it The Loins of Leonidas. With one major difference… unlike the actual Kings, my music won’t suck.]
I’ve always found it rather amusing that someone who so tirelessly promotes an aura of invincibility via the Internet, would utterly wet themselves if you dared to so much as make eye contact with them in the world of the real.
Rambling forward, our next faux critic would appear to be someone who’s quite worthy of an Artist’s respect- traditionally well educated and groomed, they’ll have a wealth of knowledge about Art, Life, the Universe and Everything. And therein lies the problem- that being their undeserved air of academic conceit, which will be jammed down your throat every chance they get.
My loyal Blogiteers, I bestow upon you: THE INTELLECTUAL. (AKA: Professor Know it all)
The fact that you read a lot doesn’t always mean that you’re smarter, it just indicates that you have a lot of spare time on your hands- probably because you have no friends, which is most likely due to your perseverance in talking down to them as if they were six. Great. You skimmed a few books on POP Art, and have watched the awesome documentary “Exit Through the Gift Shop” about a gazillion times.
A double tap to the back of the skull. Obviously, I’m kidding…sort of. While it might be therapeutic, murder is still generally frowned upon by The Man, so I’ll guess we’ll go with the option that still works the best- hitting them upside the head with progressively heavier encyclopedias until they stop spouting factoids and start begging for the limited mercy that they really don’t deserve.
The up side to this approach? These idiots tend to breed like rabbits, so the opportunities to build up your forearms will be endless. No pain, no gain, as the cool kids like to say. As we carry on, there is one critical type that stands apart amongst all these others, and it’s the next on my list.
My friends, I make available: THE TIE-DYED TWIT. (AKA: Granola for Brains.)
Presenting themselves either as an “Outsider” or “Naive” artist, they will be the first in line to publically criticize anyone who is actually blessed/smart enough to sell their artistic endeavors in exchange for (GASP!!) money. Being consistent failures themselves, they possess an almost compulsive need to deride others who are successful as being “commercial”, claiming that “real” Artists shouldn’t care about money, as it devalues the aesthetic and purity of what they’ve created, blah, blah, blah, to which I always say:
Michelangelo, it could be reasonably debated, was a commercial artist who painted in exchange for the favors of his Patrons, and it seemed to work okay for him. Just ask anybody at the Vatican. Their interior decorating absolutely rocks, and it was done by someone who valued getting his bills paid- in the end, it was strictly business, no more, no less.
Granted, it does take a certain amount of moxie to live on this planet as a tree-hugging, diversity-celebrating, gender-supporting, non insect abusing, composting, Socialist, Marxist, Communist, Anarchist, free-range, rain forest-loving, book-reading, internet surfing, rural community-supporting, bicycle-riding, cruelty-free vegan type who refers to dray animals as “companions”, rather than “food”, but I digress.
Irritatingly, this type is fortified with a level of unsubstantiated self righteous pretention that makes Peter Bugg look like Mr. Rogers on Ecstasy. You don’t think money is important. That’s why you own one outfit made out of hemp, and live in a yurt. For the rest of us who understand that goodwill and ego-stroking doesn’t pay the bills, cash is still a big deal, especially where the reality of life comes into consideration.
You would never dream about selling your work. How fucking noble. I’m sure that the prospect never actually arising for you to do so has played no small part in your decision. I get paid to do what I love, and you don’t- that’s why you cling to your belief system the way that you do. As the saying goes, a Democrat is just a Republican who’s never been mugged, meaning that it’s quite easy to claim nobility when that’s all you’ll ever have to your name.
Everybody has a price, the only difference between these chuckleheads and Artists like myself is that our rates are publically posted. You’re one with the Universe. Awesome. That kind of Zen is hard to attain, and even harder to keep, given the world today. But it doesn’t mean you know jack about whatever the hell you’re spouting off about, especially when it’s in regards to the business I’ve been working in since I was seventeen.
And when we factor in that whole “lack of hygiene” thing you’re currently excelling at, then it’s really not that big a shock as to why you’re the lone occupant on that self-absorbed island you’ve created.
This type has always reminded me of a pivotal scene from the 1997 Kevin Smith movie “Chasing Amy”, in which a central character, [a comic book inker named “Banky”] is accosted by a Comic book aficionado at a local Comicon-type event:
COLLECTOR: So you draw this!
A Little kid steps up, but the Collector lingers.
Before Holden can finish, a loud crash is heard. He looks to his left and freaks. Banky is throttling the Collector from across the table. The Collector attempts to fight him off. Security Guards pull them apart. Holden grabs Banky.
COLLECTOR: Jesus! All I did was call him a tracer!
The Security Guards drag the collector away.
COLLECTOR: Hey, wait a sec! He jumped me! And you’re dragging me away!? Fucking tracer!
Ahh. That’s comedy gold right there, let me tell you, and a lot closer to the truth than you might believe. Sure as the day is long, the most bothersome mosquito that hovers within our scene is the one that’s cut from the same douche-cloth much like our fictitious Collector character above. If I was ever fortunate enough to own a thumbtack factory, there would be a staggering collection of these schmucks pinned to my studio wall.
Dedicated and hardy readers, I put forward the last of our critiposeurs, that being the one and only: CAPTAIN XEROX (AKA: Mr. I Could So Do That and for half the price!)
Ah, democracy. How I love thee. The act of being able to speak one’s mind freely, to express one’s opinions and random thoughts with all the ease of a stream flowing downstream… however, I do have just one request- can we please stop giving this freedom of public contemplation to outright idiots?
Remember those Nerf bats I waxed so poetic about in my last blog? I’m thinking they should be a standard issue item in every gallery that’s open on First Friday, just to alleviate the stress of dealing with the cretinism of these loathsome mouth breathers. Think of all the fun we could have as a community, bonded by our mutual love of pummeling their ignorant and pointed little heads with our the old town, so far as I’m concerned.
Unfortunately for us, we’re based in Phoenix, and that does screw the pooch somewhat when it comes to finding financially dependable patrons who aren’t encapsulated within the group of useless lemmings that typically constitutes First Friday. By that, I mean that it would be nice to have people appreciate what occurs on FF every month, and be grateful for the fact that such an event exists in the first place. I’m not going to go over my issues (again) with the hoard that shows up to partake in the rolling street party that FF has become, but I will say this: for every true “art lover” we possess, there are seemingly six poster children for the ineffectual Hipsters brigade, and that’s where our last infant terrible comes in.
Just like music, art is a singular and deeply personal experience- there’s always going to be stuff you like, and stuff that you won’t. I for instance, despise Picasso and Klee, think Damien Hirst and Richard Prince are hacks, and if truth be known- have never understood why Thomas Kinkade even had a career to start with, unless one assumes that God has a soft spot for lecherous alcoholics who paint cottages.
At the local level, I can’t abide the hot mess that is Peter Bugg’s work, have even less patience for the inflated and whiny narcissism that surrounds Suzanne “Drama Kitten” Falk, but as I’m a big believer in the learning curve, even I will concede that they both have served as superb examples of why it’s never a good idea to let one’s Ego overtake one’s inherent talent.
Or in Bugg’s singular case- lack thereof. Given that however, I would still never go to one of his shows and start loudly proclaiming what I truly thought of his labors- the “open to the public” arena is not the right venue to express my acidic opinion, no matter how much fun or accurate it would be.
Hell, the man does have a right to make a living after all, and no matter how weak his fluff is, it’s not my place to derail that. Taste and time will do that for me eventually anyway, so what’s the point of quickening an already forgone conclusion? When it comes to walking through a gallery, the unwritten rule is this- keep your brain open and your mouth shut. If you must say something, say it low and with some sense of tact. It’s like telling a blue joke in church- you definitely don’t want to get caught, and if you do, you deserve some level of rebuke just short of being cast into the Lake of Fire.
A dearth of original thought and pretentiousness do not a critic make, but it’s never stopped our current wannabe, and that’s what’s so darn annoying. I do not suffer fools, and honestly have no idea why anyone else does either- if someone’s an asinine moron, you’re actually doing them a huge solid by pointing it out. How, you ask? Well… perhaps they’ve never truly realized what a self-absorbed tool they are- it is possible after all, to go sleepwalking though one’s life, and all that some people require to get back with the program is a well timed and effective, yet gentle- bitch-slap upside their empty little head.
That’s where I come in. No need to thank me… I do it because I love. And what I also love is to watch these self styled experts walk through the door and start showing off their lack of knowledge, decorum, and taste. Several years ago, I was attending a friends show at a now defunct downtown gallery (which shall remain nameless) when one of these walking cultural voids breezed in to share with us mere common mortals his vast deficiency of artistic knowledge.
[In case you haven’t guessed by now, I’m being sarcastic- I know. You’re all just terribly shocked.]
Flitting from piece to piece like some sort of drunken pollinator, he loudly gave his critique of each works quality, it’s worth, and most importantly, what the work “represented” as a whole. All of this was being addressed to his far more attractive female consort, who was just hanging on every word.
Personally, when it comes to my work, I let these wannabes ramble- its so much easier to sell a piece if your potential buyer thinks that they, and they alone, have a lock on what you were trying to say, no matter how wrong they are. I make Art that looks good on your wall- Its not gonna change the world, nor does it have any hidden messages contained within, so looking for some sort of spiritual depth is kind of pointless.
In public, I will occasionally suffer fools for the sake of a payday, but in private… not so much, and definitely never in a gallery setting. I’m all for inclusiveness, but there are reasonable limits. Some people are, quite honestly, just too damn dense and ignorant to appreciate the world of Art and it’s adjacent trappings, and therefore- shouldn’t be legally allowed within ten miles of an art opening.
Case in point… as you might imagine, watching a foolhardy monkey spouting random inanities tends to lose its appeal after about fifteen minutes, and I was getting ready to leave when I heard him (with all the volume and subtlety of a Pink Floyd concert) broadcast the following phrase to his beaming consort: “Seriously, I could totally do all of this overpriced crap in like, one hour with my hands tied.”
Only one way. Old School. Seussian style. {Then he got an idea! An awful idea! THE ARTBITCH GOT A WONDERFUL, AWFUL IDEA! “I know just what to do”, he said, with a chuckle most dreaded, “I’ll stop this display of the truly block-headed.”}
Here’s the part where I have to deliver some brutal honesty- since this occurred over twenty years ago, my recounting of the details might be just a tad bit fuzzy. Given that, if I’m off by a smidge or two, it’s really no big deal. Yes, I’m paraphrasing, but overall- it went down pretty much as I will soon describe.
Back to the show. Taking a spare sketchbook out of my backpack, (yes, I did carry one back in the day) I strode to the center of the room and loudly declared: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Patrons of the Arts, we have a very special treat for you tonight. It has come to our attention that we are in the company of an amazing artistic talent- a person so gifted that I am truly humbled to be in their presence.
Able to reproduce any work they see, they are also blessed with the ability to do it quickly and at a reasonable cost. Ladies and Gentlemen… I give you… this guy here!”
And turning, I offer to him the sketchpad and pen. The look that was plastered on his face at that particular moment was analogous to that of a highly inebriated deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck. A really big truck. Loaded with steel plate and broken glass. That had no brakes.
Quickly turning red, he whispers an almost inaudible response: “Um… I’m not an Artist actually, I just know a lot about Art.”
[With all due respect, he really didn’t.]
I, however, was not to be denied: “Oh, c’mon- you’re just being humble- I’ve literally spent the last twenty minutes hearing you brag about your artistic prowess, and if there’s one thing I can spot, it’s false humility. You can draw whatever you want, it doesn’t matter to me.
Wait- I have an idea… how about we ask your lady friend what she would like you to draw?”
At this point, knowing his metaphorical goose was cooked, he attempts to find a symbolic exit, hastened by the fact that his companion is now intently staring at him, which by the way, is NOT a good sign. It’s been my personal experience that nothing should worry you half as much as a woman eyeing you with the look of “impress me…NOW”, especially when the veracity of your presence is comprised almost entirely of ether.
Make way… Dead Man walking here. And he knew it. But you know what was even sweeter?
Sweating bullets, he stands there as I asked his companion what she thought he should draw. Turning, she looks right at him and says with a dazzling smile: “ Hmmm…. I don’t know… maybe you could sketch me? That would be really cool.” And with that, the coffin is sealed. Have you ever heard the phrase “if looks could kill”?
If there was any truth to that statement, my head would’ve been in New Jersey, and my heart would literally be in San Francisco. The icy glare he was giving me at that moment would have frozen lava, and his body language screamed “I will f**k you up” ten ways to Sunday. Fortunately, he chose that moment to instead storm out of the room, chased by several derisive comments of the assembled throng as he left. See? I can be entertaining when the need arises.
Good Times.
“Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.” – Andy Warhol